Too Much TV

MaBelleverlsating-Business, Computer-Internet October 28th, 2011 |

Posted by Hyman Weeks

I watch way too much TV, and that’s the honest truth. When I get home from work I’m usually so exhausted I can’t handle it and then I just plop down on the sofa with something cheesy like Gray’s Anatomyor The Bachelor and just tune the world out. I got cannon satellite not too long ago so now I’ve got about a million channels to surf so there’s never a time that I think “oh, well nothing’s on so I’ll go do something else.” I don’t know how in the world I got so obsessed but you know, I’ve always loved technology and this is just an extension of that. I have to have the first phone, the best laptop, all that stuff, so it makes sense that I watch a lot of TV to really find out what’s going on in the world around me. Look at me, talking like I watch it to get the news or something…I really just watch for all the trashy TV shows and reality programming!