Martha’s Scared

MaBelleverlsating-Personal June 28th, 2011 |

Guest post of the week by Deangelo Spencer

My wife and I recently moved into a new home and just about the second we did, I started being sent away quite often on business trips. It didn’t seem like a huge deal until Martha told me she felt really unsafe here by herself which simply wouldn’t do…I couldn’t imagine my baby being scared here when I was away. Especially now that she’s pregnant! I immediately went to and looked into an alarm and restarted the long-defunct neighborhood watch program in the area. As it turns out, our new neighbor is an ex Navy SEAL so that makes me feel a lot better. He let Martha put his number on speed dial in case there are ever any issues! Hopefully my work schedule will slow down eventually and I’ll be home more, but until then, I’m glad we’ve taken some steps to help my wife feel more at ease. The neighborhood is totally safe but it doesn’t mean anything if she can’t seem to fall asleep at night! We can fix that!